----Original Message Follows----
From: "Anthony Taiani" <ataiani@hotmail.com>
To: fh@ztel.ru
CC: ataiani@hotmail.com
Subject: Warm Greetings From Boston, Ma. USA!
Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2002 22:37:00 -0400

To: Vyacheslav Khlopkov
President of the Moscow Hustle Federation,
Multiple winner of World Masters tournaments,
Vice world champion in acrobatic rock-n-roll


Thank you for sending your emails to me
and introducing yourselves to Hustle
dancers in the United States!
I live in the metro Boston, Ma. USA area,
and participate and publicize hustle events
in this area. We very much enjoyed your
correspondences, and very much enjoyed
watching the video samples of your performances
that you generously sent us.

I offer a website to publicize metro Boston
hustle events. This website also has links
to other hustle websites in the
northeast USA.

---> http://bostonhustle.myartsonline.com/

Note that this website has a link titled
"HUSTLE IN RUSSIA!" linking to your
email to me, with links to the sample videos.
(Please keep these links active
--> ("http://www2.mfh.ru/video.shtml?0001",
--> "http://www2.mfh.ru/video.shtml?0002")
as hustle dancers in metro Boston and elsewhere
are continually watching, enjoying, and learning
from these videos!)

Feel free to add my hustle website to
your dance links on your website.
You can title the link
"Metro Boston, Ma. USA Hustle Web Site".

Again, thank you for your correspondence.
I hope to share the dance floor with
you in the future!

Anthony Taiani
Boston, Ma. USA